Friday, November 20, 2009

Will you do like what I did if you found a piece of hair in your burger?

I have ordered a kids meal from Burger King, London, Brent Cross Shopping Centre (NW4). Found my self pulling a hair while eating it!!! went back to the restaurant, asked for a refund and wanted to keep the sandwich with me to report them, the staff member asked me to give him the sandwich to show it to his manager, and then he took out the hair while he is on the way to the manager, came back to me saying that they have no female doing the cooking task in their restaurant!! And then asked me to prove if the hair is in the sandwich!! (What a nasty). I got really angry, lost my manner, grabbed the sandwich and chucked it on their table and swear at the manager. After I got my refund and went back home, I did deeply regret what I have done. I should not gone down and act in such a manner, but here what I want to ask you, what will you do if you were in my position? What I have done is bad? Please help me by sharing your opinions.

Will you do like what I did if you found a piece of hair in your burger?

Ask the manager to come to the front of the store and explain the hair, next time.

Suggest to the Health Department or British equivalent that they really need to inspect and instruct that restaurant.

Write Burger King headquarters and explain politely and clearly what your experience was.

Try not to ever lose your temper like that; it is very important to remain calm, regardless of how they respond. However making sure they (and nearby customers) can hear you if you have to repeat yourself can be effective.

Will you do like what I did if you found a piece of hair in your burger?

I would have done about the same! It's not their place to second guess you! Being one who works in fast food, I know that the policy is that the customer is ALWAYS right! My boss the other day did the same thing. He's bald, so he brushed his head and said "its not MY hair!" I went to HIS boss and he got in trouble.

I understand your anger! Its so ridiculous how people are treated these days.

Will you do like what I did if you found a piece of hair in your burger?

I always eat a little over half of it. Take it back and git me another for free. Some time they throw in extra fries too.

Will you do like what I did if you found a piece of hair in your burger?

Good job it wasn't curly

Will you do like what I did if you found a piece of hair in your burger?

It wasn't really worth losing your temper over, in my opinion. The price of a burger is such a tiny tiny percent of their profits they woulld have given you a refund had you been patient, whatever their opinion really. Companies tend to do so in order to keep you coming back.

Will you do like what I did if you found a piece of hair in your burger?


the very next day i would get a lawyer and sue their

If they don't care about you (us) why should we do????

Thank you

Will you do like what I did if you found a piece of hair in your burger?

I understand your anger as well

I have found a hair in a hamburger as well,saw pee ant's in a silver ware caddy where someone had spilled coke and a worker didn't clean it up , once while at a pizza place my dad looked over at the shelf that was on the wall beside us and there was roach bug's all over the book's that were there for decoration.,went to a chicken restaurant in Canada and it looked liked they reached out the back door ,cut off the chicken 's head ,cooked it a little and slapped it on the plate ,as there was still chicken feathers on it .Then I once found a dead roach on the rim of my drinking cup.I never go back to those places again

Will you do like what I did if you found a piece of hair in your burger?

Personally I would not be thrilled to find a hair in my food however I don't believe your actions were totally as a result of this issue. People have an awful lot of stress these days and sometimes it just takes situations like this to blow.

If you REALLY want to do the right thing and feel better about yourself, go back and find out who worked at the time you went off like this and just talk to them. I think you will find that EVERYONE will feel better about the situation if you do. It is a win/win situation.You will feel better for having dealt with your actions and they will see you as a decent human being

Will you do like what I did if you found a piece of hair in your burger?

i would have done the same thing.... =]]

except i would have shoved the burger in the guys face!

Will you do like what I did if you found a piece of hair in your burger?

The staff person was at fault for trying to cover up the fact that there was a hair and for being rude. You can apologise for swearing at the manager, but it is likely that if you had remained calm you would not have gotten a refund. Remember to use your temper and not to lose it.

In the future, never let go of the evidence, get loud, without cursing, and make a scene. Keep asking for the name and contact information for a superior. If needed, call the president of the company, mention going to the press or a lawyer about the problem, then you will get action.

Will you do like what I did if you found a piece of hair in your burger?

its hair,its probably better for you than the burger,enjoy it

Will you do like what I did if you found a piece of hair in your burger?

I read your entire question, I think you sound like an over-reactive clod. Some things need to be put into proper perspective. You sound like a bully. I bet you don't hold yourself or your darling children) to the same standard of perfection that you expect from others. For myself, I would have pulled the hair out, and gone on with it. The hair should have been properly cooked, and if you live in London, you breathe in far worse things daily that that little single hair.

Will you do like what I did if you found a piece of hair in your burger?

Let me share my opinions from the bible. God says, in your anger do not sin. You've come to a point where you released your anger by swearing at the manager. And this isn't a right thing to do. God also says do not swear and let your 'yes' be yes and 'no' be no. You can easily just said: hmm...this does't seem to be a good restaurant and I'll not come back again coz' I don't trust their cleanliness and their hygiene. I'll just say "no" to this place. So when you are self-controlled , you tend to portray more of what the Bible calls the fruits of the spirit which are love, joy, peace, self-control, gentleness, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness (the book of Galatians). The bible also says the tongue is the most evil part of the body. We should use the tongue to praise our Lord and Father only and not to swear at people. Finally, we must be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to be angry although the other party is doing something wrong which they ought not to. It'd be good if you can go back to the manager and apologize for swearing at him. Maybe he will treat you to another meal on his expense!

Will you do like what I did if you found a piece of hair in your burger?

You did okay.

But next time, smash the place up and kick the c**p out of somebody. Then find the employees parking lot and take out a few windscreens and lights...

Will you do like what I did if you found a piece of hair in your burger?

You haven't done anything wrong. They tried to turn the whole thing around and point the finger at you. Anyone would lost their tempter under such circumstances.

I would have done exactly the same. But learn from the lesson. Never trust them. Although they have destroyed the evidence, I would still try and report them to the Food Standards Agency and explain to them exactly what they did. Let them investigate.

It's such a shame you had to go through this unpleasant experience. Use this as a life classroom material to educate your kids, too. Explain to them why you lost your tempter and maybe apologise for losing it in front of them? Boycott Burger King and find somewhere else to eat out with your kids (if it's possible).

I would have done the same, but without swearing.

Will you do like what I did if you found a piece of hair in your burger?

I alsways find that being polite and calm works better than swearing, even if the manager is rude to you; it means you're more likely to get what you want, also it annoys people.

Will you do like what I did if you found a piece of hair in your burger?

Your reaction is perfectly reasonable. And you should also report them to Health and Safety, there shouldn't be any human ingredients in your burger! Seriously, there are rules determining that such things are unacceptable. If you're still angry you could report them.

Will you do like what I did if you found a piece of hair in your burger?

I would have asked to see a manager, showed them the hair and asked for a refund. As much as we dislike it, things like that happen and there is nothing to be gained by reporting it.

Will you do like what I did if you found a piece of hair in your burger?

The staff member at BK was in the wrong in the first place. The customer is always right, and he should not have treated you in this manner. So it is not surprising that you lost your temper (I think I would have done too). Having said that, it is always more adult to deal with these type of incidents with calmness, and not swear. At least you realise that you maybe overreacted, and you were wrong to swear and that is the most important thing. Unfortunately alot of people thesedays think it is acceptable to be rude and swear and it is not.

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