Thursday, November 26, 2009

What can I do about public humiliation.?

I just got back from the store with my parents. While in Wal Mart I threw a piece of chewed gum in my mom's hair. When we got out to the car she found it and asked me if I did it which I told her yes. She pulled down my britches and blistered my bare behind right there in the parking lot. Some friends of mine from school came by laughing and I feel really stupid. What can i do?

What can I do about public humiliation.?

It's good to see you care about public humiliation. Now you know how your mom felt walking around with gum in her hair.

You should feel stupid, that's the point, don't do it again!

What can I do about public humiliation.?

She shouldn't be doing that its assult..

What can I do about public humiliation.?

Tell your Mom you are sorry....!

What can I do about public humiliation.?

is this a joke. I would call child services or something parents shouldnt act like that. oh and dont go to wall mart, its gross

What can I do about public humiliation.?

Oh my god how old are you?

That is the most disturbing thing i've heard all day.

All you can do now is change your identity, adopt a false beard and move abroad.

What can I do about public humiliation.?

you could stop posting made-up questions all over yahoo and fing a better hobby

What can I do about public humiliation.?

You know you deserved it. I would of done the same thing to my snot nosed little son if he did that.

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