Friday, November 20, 2009

This is for the guys, please help!?

I have a problem with my husband, and I'm not sure if it's a real problem or just something in my head. I have been married for almost ten years, have two daughters. I may not be gorgeous, but I think I am attractive. I'm 32 years old but most people say I look younger. Size six, sometimes four, red, medium length hair, fair skin. I am not a health freak but I take care of myself as much as I can. My husband often calls me "HOT" and says I'm sexy - that is not a problem but he never, EVER says I'm beautiful. Not even pretty. I feel like a piece of meat, not a wife. Do you guys think this is a sign something else is wrong or can you give me the male point of view on this? Am I just over-sensitive? THANKS.

This is for the guys, please help!?

I am sorry to say this if it sounds bad, but I think your husband adores you and you are over reacting. He obviously uses a different set of vocabulary. It seems from what you say that he loves you and finds you attractive. Enjoy it !!!

This is for the guys, please help!?

over sensitive...maybe beautiful is not in his vocab...or maybe he is thinking that you want to hear the word hot....but my guess is he thinks that enjoy it.

This is for the guys, please help!?

Ok, I'm not a guy, but I've dated enough guys like this to know... to guys, "beautiful" is what you'd call a flower or a nice painting, "hot" and "sexy" are what you would call an extremely attractive woman. He thinks you're beautiful... it's just not really a part of his vocabulary. I do the same thing with my husband. He's very handsome, but to me, "handsome" sounds like something my grandma would call him (in fact, she HAS called him that.) Instead, I tell him he's hot, and he says the same about me.

This is for the guys, please help!?

Sound to me you might be a little OVER sensitive

This is for the guys, please help!?

Take the compliments as they come. If he finds you sexy, that to me is as good as saying you閳ユ獧e's all a matter of interpretation. And try reciprocating (or in your case demonstrating). In other words, tell him HE'S handsome or gorgeous or whatever. As a last resort, try treating HIM like a piece of meat and see how HE likes it.

This is for the guys, please help!?

Thats probably just what he wants to call you, you just need to have a talk with him and tell him you want to be called beautiful, pretty, cute, etc.

This is for the guys, please help!?

Not over-sensitive, overly analytical.

He likes your looks, enough said. Interpretation is a personal point of view. He probably doesn't think it means anything different. Different people mean different things. Don't worry about it, accept the compliment that's it.

This is for the guys, please help!?

I think you're freaking out over nothing more than semantics.

You guys have 10 years and 2 daughters behind you, if it bothers you that much, then it's time to have a major sit down so this doesn't bug you for the next 10 years....

I don't see a difference really between telling my girlfriend that she is hot, sexy or beautiful and neither does she.

This is for the guys, please help!?

You say tomatoe, he says tomato.

Sheesh, get over yourself already!

You do remember he is a man, right?

At least he does not put you on some pedestal and think of you like a Madonna and not want to get down and dirty! How would you like to be called beautiful all the time with no passion in your marriage?

This is for the guys, please help!?

He loves you,if he wasnt saying your hot and sexy but calling you beautiful you would think okkk buuut am i sexy- yes you are all those to him,maybe he thinks thats what you respond to the most. Do you call him Handsome???

This is for the guys, please help!?

For most men, after they are married we seem to forget saying certain things as we are married now and whats the use? We also seem to forget how emotional a woman is and that they rely on being told what we think of her. In your case, I would imagine that your husband is thinking that his description of "HOT" may be enough for you. Why not set him down the next time and ask him what he is meaning? I would wager that "his" meaning and your "needs of certain words" are actually the same meaning but to two different people. Good luck.

This is for the guys, please help!?

Sorry I'm a woman and answering but I've been through it so I'll just tell you that it's in your head. You're hot and you know it! Talk to your husband. I know it sounds dumb but you can even ask him if he thinks you're pretty or beautiful.

This is for the guys, please help!?

Iam not a guy but ican answer this question... first mostly when a guy tells his girl that she is " Hot " or " Smoking" he means she is too beautiful

second what don't you ask him directly " Honey do you think iam pretty ?" he will give that exclamation face and ask " What make u think Ur not pretty? honey Ur my world!!" u answer " thank sweat heart but do u think iam pretty 'cause i don't her you much saying that iam pretty!" then he says " of course your pretty not as much as the late Anna Nickol but Ur are definitely pretty!!" and then you give him that big fake smile and you poison his dinner then u marry a man who think Ur the pretties ever "". THE END

This is for the guys, please help!?

If he is calling you hot and sexy, you are all that and a bag of chips. Beautiful is not a guy word. I think you are too sensitive. He should know how you feel in a positive way but I think you are just fine.

By the way at 32 after two kind size 6 is something to be proud of!!!

This is for the guys, please help!?

Much Ado About Nothing.


This is for the guys, please help!?

You are over sensitive. My wife has the same complaint you have. To be physically beautiful to me a women must look like the classic look of a Miss America. My wife and most likely you as well do not look like a Miss America, not even a contestant. So what? I don't look like Mr America. Why even expect to look like Miss/Mr America to a spouse. Now that would be simply a false statement to call me or her beautiful. Let's be sensible here.

The other criteria to be beautiful is inner beauty. You may have that, but for the most part my wife is basically dishonest in her approach to her friends and to me. Sure she does some things that look to the casual observer like she is generous and kind, but behind it all is a self centered selfishness false front fascade that only I can see after knowing her for 37 years. To most everyone else she may look like she is beautiful on the inside but to me she is very self centered and selfish and two faced.

Now you may be far more beautiful on the inside than my wife and that is really what counts anyway. IF your husband sees that beauty inside of you, he still my reserve the use of the term 'beautiful' to mean physical or outward beauty. And he is being honest with both you and himself by not calling you "beautiful" in that sense. So what?

Really he does find you sexually attractive "hot". I think that is a great thing for you to be excited and happy about.

As to your outward beauty I am sure he sees that as well and that also adds to making you hot.

As to your inner beauty (most important of all) I am sure he sees that as well and that is why he stays deeply in love with you. But he may not say that you are beautiful because he is thinking in terms of a Miss America type of beauty when he would use that word in the context you are asking about.

Do not try to compare yourself to a Miss America. That is not fair to you.

This is for the guys, please help!?

ok I am not a male, but I can really relate. I recently lost a ton of weight, and compliments come from all over about my appearance. Females and males alike, and I honestly think I look pretty darn good. Do you think I could get a compliment out of my husband, no way. Sex has always been good, never had a problem with feeling sexy around him, and he always tells me how much he loves me, but never a wow you look good. I would say things like does this look ok, and he would say yeah I like you in short shorts. so I would say why didn't you say something, he would respond with you didn't ask. So finally one day I asked him why he just couldn't give me a compliment about my appearance without me having to ask for one, and he said because I love you, I of course I asked whats that got to do with it. I love you, it really doesn't matter what you look like. I of course was confused. so he eloborated, I loved you when I married you, I loved you when you gained the weight, I loved you when you lost the weight, I will love you in 10 years, 20 years. I will love you when your old wrinkly and gray.

Hope that helps.

This is for the guys, please help!?

I think that you are being over sensitive. when your husband stops calling you those names, then you should worry. LOL!! but for the good part is he is still into you. so dont worry about it.

This is for the guys, please help!?


Your husband's behaviour has disturbed me greatly, he's acting like a horny high schoo jock. You need to sit him down and talk with him about the way you feel from his actions. This does not sound natural or healthy at all and your husband needs to learn to respect you beyond the physical or I would not see your marriage carrying much longer.


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