Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Some bio true or false please?!?

1: DNA is a long fiber, like a hair, only thinner and longer. It is made from two strands that stick together with a slight twist.



2: The genes carry the instructions for making all the thousands of proteins that are found in a cell.



3: A chromosome has no DNA or proteins attached to it. There are 44 pairs of chromosomes in a human cell.



4: Electrophoresis is a technique used in the laboratory that results in the separation of charged molecules.



5: Agarose is a chain of sugar molecules, and is extracted from carbon compounds.



6: Restriction Digestion is the process of cutting DNA molecules into smaller pieces with special enzymes called Restriction Endonucleases.



7: Life's blueprint is passed from generation to generation. This inheritance requires the faithful copying of the DNA of a cell.



8: Mutations arise through damage to DNA that is repaired.



9: The copying of the DNA information into RNA, is designated transcription.



10: Each of the steps of RNA and the protein processing reactions rely on signal elements within the informational molecule to signal the correct copying or processing.



Some bio true or false please?!?

Even though it seems like I'm doing someone's homework:

1. True, though it's really simplistic. DNA is a double helix; the two helices are "stuck together" via hydrogen bonding between the bases of the two strands.

2. True. Genes are transcribed to form mRNA, which is then translated to proteins.

3. False. 23 pairs of chromosomes. DNA constitutes chromosomes. There are TONS of proteins on the chromosomes that help keep it coiled and help other proteins (DNA polymerase, for example) attach.

4. True. This technique uses the fact that an applied electric current will cause charged molecules to move. Electrophoresis separates based on size. Since DNA has the same charge to mass ratio, any electric charge applied to any length of DNA will have a similar affect. However, the DNA samples have to move through a matrix in electrophoresis (agarose gell, for example) and it is thus easier for smaller molecules to move further than larger molecules. This technique only works for DNA, however, if you want to determine the size. If you use different proteins, they won't run proportionally to their size because proteins don't all have the same charge to mass ratio. Recap: because they are charged, they can be separated; however, they are NOT separated based on their overall charges compared to other samples.

5. Not sure about the extraction. Yes, it's a matrix of sugars. I kind of doubt that they "extract" it, since it's easy to synthesize the polysaccharide chain.

6. True. Endonuclease means that it works inside the chromosome; exonucleases cut of bases from the end. When you use this, you can determine at which points in the DNA you have a particular sequence, since the nuclease cuts at that sequence only.

7. True. Duh.

8. False. Repaired DNA does not have mutations. Unrepaired would be mutated. For example, deamination of 5'-methyl-cytosine gives you thymine. This is a base substitution that could lead to mutation since DNA polymerase wouldn't recognize it as an error.

9. True. RNA polymerase makes mRNA through transcription.

10. I guess so, though I'm not really sure what signal elements would be. Are they referring perhaps to the locations in mRNA that specify where introns should be excised? Huh. True then.

Some bio true or false please?!?



3.False; chromosome is DNA, there are 46 chromosomes in a human cell





8.False; if it;s repaired, it's OK



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