Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My friend katz me!!?

i love my friend to pieces and shes there for me nomatter what but she likes to big herself up a bit ive noticed! when ive bought clothes and shes seen them on me she comes out with me and buys the same outfit.. she styles her hair the same and she even copies the way i talk.. I didnt mind at first but now its more noticable some one even said to me oh your mate has the jacket and you speak like her!!.. its got to the point where it is just annoying now and i dont want to be around her.. i dont find it flattering and i dont understand why shes doing this.. how do i tell her gently how i feel?

My friend katz me!!?


the same thing happend to me,

and when i confronted her about it. .

we stopped being friends because

she got all mad about it,

but if you want to confront her about it,

just be nice about it.

My friend katz me!!?

That happened to me. I just told them to shut it and stop copying me because i hated it. If she was a real friend she'd understand

My friend katz me!!?

I had a friend a long time ago use to do the same thing.

I just told her that it nice to dress alike sometimes, but everyday is not cool. If she's really your friend then she will understand where you're coming from.

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