Thursday, June 17, 2010

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

I mean, both parties have lined up freak shows, and the amount of actual leadership quality exhibited by the candidates wouldn't fit in Roosevelt's ear, on the ten-cent piece. But we;ve got preachers, cross-dressers, coke snorters, and perfect hair all trying to one-up their way into the White House. Why doesn't a normal person, someone that we might relate to, run for office?

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

Because there are no normal people - only a concept of normal that Hollywood has laid upon us.

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

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I thenk that to. Report It

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

We're not crazy.

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

Because they won't get the kind of publicity and media attention you need to run a decent campaign (ie won't raise tens of millions of dollars to spend)

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

cause no normal people have 13 to 20 million dollars it takes to run a campaign, which is just regoddamneddiculous

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

bc normal people are smarter and less crazy

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

Because we are not millionaires...Hell I can,t even afford a new garage much less 3.2 mill for a 30 second shot during the super bowl!!!!!It,s the media and big business that has ruined it forever!!!!.

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

Because you would have to be a little crazy to want to be president of this country. Have you seen what it does to every president. They start out with black hair and come out gray and look about 10 years older. No normal person would want it.

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

Ron Paul is a citizen statesman, not a career politician, After studying economics for years he realized how horrible a job the Government was doing and decided to run. He is 72 years old, he has spent 20 of those years in congress.

He is a Doctor who has delivered over 4000 babies.

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

We know better

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

Because they are normal. Normal people enjoy the lives they lead (my theory) and don't think that they have the answers to the world problem. But we often recognize a bad solution to a problem. Of course, we could use leaders who aren't so self-serving. But that won't happen.

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

1) $$$$

2) time. not just to run, but once you win your life isn't your own

3) true desire to help others. it is very rare, and absolutely necessary to put up with the bs that comes along with the job

4) health reasons. have you seen a president yet who starts out youthful and spry who doesn't end up grey and downtrodden?

it takes a really special kind of person to want this kind of job. those who we need and who deserve it have an absolute love for this country and a true drive and passion for public service

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

There's one normal person running. He's a doctor, has served in the airforce and has been married to the same woman for decades. Two of his kids are doctors and he's always voted against Congressional perks, even though he's a congressman himself. In his decades as a doctor he's never filed a medicare or medicaid claim (instead forgiving the bill) so as to not burden the tax payer... And what do they do to an honest "normal" guy like him? They criticize his voice and say he doesn't look as "presidential as Romney"!!! Like we're electing Miss America? It's sad.

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

"Normal" people don't have the financial support structure necessary to run a campaign. Remember the campaign finance reform bill (otherwise known as the incumbant protection act)? It was supposed to get "big money" out of politics. It's done a fine job hasn't it. Plus, a normal person wouldn't allow his past to be brought out in public. I mean, after all, who hasn't got some skeletons in their closet that don't need to see the light of day? Everyone has done something, or said something at one time or another that they aren't particularly proud of and could be turned completely around into a weapon against them. No sane person would want the job. Half the population is always going to be P.O.'d at you at one time or another. Look at the last 2 presidencies. Half of the population spewed hate at Clinton, and now, half the population is spewing even more hate at Bush.

Addition: jneg7, If 20 years in Congress isn't a career politician, then what is?

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

Moral Resolve. Most of us care too much to actually run. It's about the issues, not the politicking.

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

Like Robin Williams? Sorry, I watched a movie and he played the President. Your question made me think of that movie, although I cannot remember the title of it.

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

Normal people, that we relate to , wouldn't want to compromise their belief systems beyond recognition just to get into some office where they wouldn't even have the power to do whatever it was they were elected to do. Not to mention, everyone I relate to would just be assassinated by some Texan.

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?


Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

Now that's what I call a damn good question. And the answer is NORMAL people don't run because they wouldn't be able to withstand the abuse heaped upon them.

Americans don't want normal people, apparently. They want contestants from the Jerry Springer show.

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

No normal person would want that job.

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

Normal people have better sense.

Why don't normal people run for President of the United States?

Several reasons:

1. "Normal" people are fallible, have made mistakes, and could not stand up to the level of scrutiny required to even have a SHOT at becoming president. I can't speak for anyone else on this board, but I CERTAINLY wouldn't want my "dirty laundry" aired for the whole world to see. Would you?

2. Most people don't have the kind of cash candidates typically have. Most, if not all of the candidates are well-connected millionaires with established ties throughout Washington.

3. "Normal" (what exactly IS normal, anyway?) people aren't so tied up in having the tremendous amount of power (and equally tremendous worries) of the office. I think most people would simply like to have the power to change a few things and be done with it, rather than dragging it out over the course of several years...

4. People we could relate to may not be able to relate to their fellow elected denizens of D.C. in a way that would be effective.

5. Many people wouldn't want to have to deal with the necessary evil of "politicking" with advisors, lobbyists, senators, and representatives.

Those are some of the reasons off the top of my head, but sure others may be able to add more....

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